Stacked Cards

Config Properties

Stacked cards feature media in the background, and a content area in the foreground.

The media allows for the placement of an image.

The content area ececpets a title, subtitle, paragraph and call to action

When used in a grid you can place a max of 4 and min of 1 next to each other, and they will stack at the smallest breakpoint.

Stacked Card

16:9 Image Ratio

I am a stacked card. My content overlays the imagery.

Stacked Card

16:9 Image Ratio

I am a stacked card. My content overlays the imagery.

Stacked Card

4:3 Image Ratio

I am a stacked card. My content overlays the imagery.

Stacked Card

4:3 Image Ratio

I am a stacked card. My content overlays the imagery.

Stacked Card

3:4 Image Ratio

I am a stacked card. My content overlays the imagery. I am a stacked card. My content overlays the imagery.I am a stacked card. My content overlays the imagery.I am a stacked card. My content overlays the imagery.I am a stacked card. My content overlays the imagery.I am a stacked card. My content overlays the imagery.I am a stacked card. My content overlays the imagery.

Stacked Card

3:4 Image Ratio

I am a stacked card. My content overlays the imagery. I am a stacked card. My content overlays the imagery. I am a stacked card. My content overlays the imagery. I am a stacked card. My content overlays the imagery.

Stacked Card

1:1 Image Ratio

I am a stacked card. My content overlays the imagery.

Stacked Card

1:1 Image Ratio

I am a stacked card. My content overlays the imagery.